b2beb5 color hex could be obtained by blending. It has a hue angle of 135 degrees, a saturation of 8.5 and a lightness of 72.2. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 6.3 cyan, 0 magenta, 4.7 yellow and 25.5 black. If S=50 we might think of all the colors from H=30 to H=90 as being mixed in by diminishing degrees the farther they are from the central hue. In a RGB color space, hex b2beb5 (also known as Ash grey) is composed of 69.8 red, 74.5 green and 71 blue. As we lower the value for S, more colors from the left and from the right will be mixed in. If S=100 it will be a solid color (assuming L is non-zero for our purposes let’s set L=50) with only a tiny bit of bleed from H=59 and H=61. If S=0 we won’t see much of the redness, only a hint. That is in the red part of the HUE spectrum. Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes. This color combination was created by user Keshav Naidu.The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below. It mixes only slightly with the color to its left and the color to its right which bleed into that single color. The Adobe Photoshop Colors with Hex & RGB Codes has 2 colors which are Light Sky Blue (8BC3FC) and American Blue (3C327B).

The highest value is a narrow spectrum dialed right into practically one individual color of the hue spectrum. The lowest value will be anything but that hue. Saturation is a pretty tough concept to understand, but in plain terms, the lower the value, the wider the spectrum within the hue range, meaning we are mixing more color frequencies. Wait until you have all the HTML and CSS basics down pat before embarking on SASS, which should rightly wait until you have some basic JavaScript programming under your belt. The higher the third value (L) the brighter the color.Īs for the function mentioned to convert to HSB, that would be written in SASS, not JavaScript and certainly not CSS. The higher the middle value (S), the more saturated the color. Will tell us if it is red, green or blue as the base. The modulus of, hue % 120 (needs correction, we're looking for 0, 1 or 2) The hues are divided up into 120 sub-hues for each of the three main hues. We can almost tell just from looking at it what an HSL color will be. Pick any hue, red, green or blue, and then compute (or assign) the percentage value of saturation, and the percentage value of lightness. The math under the hood is also very simple, and the colors can be computed very easily.

RGB is 24-bit color whereas HSL is only 22-bit so has a palette less than a quarter the size.